
Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

The St. Botolph Club records are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

There are restrictions on the use of this collection. Users must sign an agreement stating 他们在获得访问利记手机官网的权限之前了解这些限制.

Collection Summary


This collection consists of the records of the St. Botolph Club, a gentlemen's social club founded in Boston in 1880. Records include histories, minutes, officers' 信件,财务记录,以及记录艺术展览和文化的材料, social, and sporting events held at the club.

Historical Sketch

The St. Botolph Club was founded in Boston on 10 Jan. 1880 following the circulation of a letter sent to some three hundred prominent male citizens. Signed by Henry Cabot Lodge, Francis 帕克曼,俱乐部的第一任主席,菲利普斯·布鲁克斯,威廉·迪恩·豪威尔斯,还有其他七个人, 邀请函提议成立一个俱乐部,其中设有艺术画廊,每月开放展览 to the public, a reading room, and rooms for general use. Its purpose, as noted in the club 是为了“促进作家、艺术家、 and other gentlemen connected with or interested in literature and art."

这家新成立的俱乐部以纽约的世纪俱乐部为蓝本,最终就其名称展开了争论 deciding on the St. Botolph, the patron saint of Boston (a corruption of St. Botolph's Town in Lincolnshire, England).

The organization's first quarters were located at 87 Boylston St. The club resided in two other locations, 2 Newbury St. (later 4 Newbury St.) and 115 Commonwealth Ave. before securing its current location, 199 Commonwealth Ave. in 1971.

除了社交之外,俱乐部还为会员们提供各种各样的活动. Sunday afternoons were reserved for concerts. "Smoke talks," lectures which surveyed politics, science, social issues, and the arts, began in 1883. Receptions were given for visiting notables, and art exhibitions were held for both member and non-member artists.

该俱乐部在其展览中展示了各种艺术媒介,包括:意大利和意大利 French paintings, decorative arts, prints, photographs, and architectural drawings. It also 推广了当时的“新艺术”,并因此赞助了约翰·辛格·萨金特的第一次单人演出 show in America in 1888. Works by Claude Monet were displayed in 1892, 1895, and 1899. Monet's 1891年2月在纽约的联合俱乐部举行了第一次在美国的演出. By 1900, the club had sponsored solo exhibitions of virtually every important American Impressionist of the era, including J. Alden Weir, John Twachtman, Childe Hassam, Theodore Wendel, John L. Breck, Edmund Tarbell, Lilla C. Perry, and Mary Cassatt. The St. Botolph's 在世纪之交之前对印象派的支持构成了它的主要贡献 the history of art.

The St. Botolph Club continues as one of Boston's social clubs. Women were granted membership in 1990. The club maintains its mission of promoting the arts and literature in the city of Boston.


Curtis, Joseph Henry. St. Botolph Club: Its Birth and Early Club History. Boston : s.n., n.d.

Collection Description

The records of the St. Botolph Club, housed in 19 record cartons and 1 oversize carton, 包含从1879年至1991年俱乐部历史的松散记录和装订卷. The 记录分为五个系列:史料、行政记录、俱乐部记录 activities, Clippings/scrapbooks, and Recordings.

The bulk of the collection consists of administrative records, both loose and bound, 俱乐部成员与俱乐部官员之间的通信,有关的印刷材料 member activities, and scrapbooks.

Throughout the history of the organization, record-keeping practices were inconsistent. As a result, similar types of records may be found in several locations. For example, financial 利记APP官网手机版俱乐部的信息可以在松散的和捆绑的会议记录,财务记录,和 scrapbooks. Researchers should give attention to series and subseries titles, loose and bound materials within those series, and the scrapbooks for the information needed.

There are periodic gaps throughout the collection. Most notable is the absence of minutes for the years 1972-1975. The scrapbooks end in 1974. There are also significant gaps within the exhibition lists.

研究人员感兴趣的是这个利记手机官网揭示了成员的态度 包含在1880-1896年的通信和偶尔的信件中 secretaries' records. The collection documents the history of an institution typical of the Boston gentlemen clubs of the past hundred or more years, yet unique among them. The records 也揭示了成员对诸如禁酒、资格等不同问题的态度 会员资格,俱乐部里的女人,仆人的福利,第一世界时期的爱国主义 War, and financial hardships in the Great Depression. Finally, the art exhibition catalogues, 音乐会的节目,演讲者的名单,成员的诗歌提供的信息不是 不仅是利记APP官网手机版波士顿自1880年以来的艺术和文学史,而且是利记APP官网手机版个别艺术家, performers, writers, and lecturers.

NOTE: Indexes to the exhibitions, by date of exhibition and name of artist, are available in the MHS Library.

Acquisition Information

The records were deposited at the Massachusetts Historical Society by the St. Botolph Club in 1991. Additional, unprocessed materials were deposited 17 Dec. 1997, 31 Mar. 1999, Mar. 2000, 2005, Aug. 2009, and July 2013. (More expected.)

Restrictions on Access

The St. Botolph Club records are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

There are restrictions on the use of this collection. Users must sign an agreement stating 他们在获得访问利记手机官网的权限之前了解这些限制.

Restrictions on Use

The records of the St. Botolph Club have been placed on deposit at the Massachusetts Historical Society. The Massachusetts Historical Society does not claim ownership of the literary rights (copyright) to this collection. The Massachusetts 历史学会不能允许出版或引用它所引用的文件 not hold copyright. Use of these materials does not imply permission to publish. It is the sole responsibility of the 研究者必须获得文学权利所有者(版权)的正式许可才能 publish or quote from documents in this collection.

All reproductions, including photocopies and digital photographs, are for personal use only. Personal use copies may not be donated 或存放于其他图书馆或档案馆,或供其他研究人员使用 the written permission of the Massachusetts Historical Society.

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Historical materials, 1900-1991

Arranged topically.

系列一包含了各种俱乐部的历史和原始手写的俱乐部歌曲亚瑟 Macy. Historical information on St. Botolph, St. Botolph Church in England, and St. Botolph Church in Boston is also included.

Carton 1SH 18CI +
Club histories, undated, 1991
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Original handwritten club song, published version, 1900, 1991
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Letter H. B. Willis to St. Botolph Club; Origins of St. Botolph name, undated, 1972, 1974
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Information on the St. Botolph church in England, 1914, 1953, 1955, 1969-1971, 1977
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Letter from the vicarage in Boston, Lincolnshire to Davenport, 21 May [1940]
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Photocopy letter: Sir Wm. Rothenstein to Rt. Hon. Hal Fisher, Dec. 1911

II. Administrative records, 1879-1990

Arranged chronologically within each subseries.

Series II, Administrative records, is broken down into five subseries. Minutes, 1879-1989, 如果没有具体命名,可以包括各种机构,如:年度,执行,董事会 of Governors, special meeting, or committee minutes. Bound records include largely all transactions of the club in its earlier years. Within the bound records are financial reports, treasurer reports, and minutes from the bodies which governed the club.

这些官员的信件,未注明日期,1880-1963年,主要是利记APP官网手机版日常成员的 提名、议员及其提名人的支持信、出席 扶轮社的活动、有关帐户结余的资料、以及从扶轮社辞职. Although the contents of the letters pertain to routine matters, the letters do hold autographs from prominent individuals. See Select Name Index to this correspondence.

大多数早期的财务记录都包含在合订本或剪贴簿中; 然而,1890年至1990年的未注明日期的财务记录中包含了零星的、松散的记录 mid 1970s. Occasional gaps also occur from then through 1990.

包括在一般管理和成员信息,未注明日期,1881年至1989年,是 会员名单(印刷及装订)、访客登记簿及早期通讯录. The 杂项部分主要由财务信息和通信有关 the renovation of the kitchen and library at 199 Commonwealth Ave.

A. Minutes, 1879-1989

Carton 1SH 18CI +
Annual reports, 1881, 1884
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Treasurer's report, 1883
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Minutes, 2 May 1922; 12 June 1911
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Annual meeting, committee minutes, 1921
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Committee minutes, 1922-1923
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Annual meeting minutes, 1930-1935, 1939
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Annual meeting minutes, 24 Apr. 1940
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Executive and annual minutes, 1945-1947
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Executive minutes, Jan. 1948, Sep.-Dec. 1948
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Executive and annual minutes, 1949-1953
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Committee minutes, 1953
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Annual meeting, committee reports, 1954
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Annual and committee minutes, 1955-1956
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Annual meeting, treasurer, and committee reports, 1957-1960
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Annual meeting and committee reports, 1961
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Annual meeting, treasurer, and committee reports, 1962-1964
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Annual and committee minutes, 1965
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Minutes, Jan.-Mar. 1966
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Report of the Executive Committee, 1968-1970
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Minutes, 1971
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Board of Governors minutes, 17 Feb. 1976, 25 May 1976, 29 June 1976, 27 July 1976, 19 Oct., 1976
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Board of Governors minutes, Jan.-Apr., 1977
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Board of Governors minutes, 1978
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Board of Governors minutes, 19 Apr. 1979, 8 Sep. 1979
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Board of Governors minutes, Mar. 1980, May 1980, July 1980, Sep.-Nov., 1980
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Board of Governors minutes, 1981
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Board of Governors minutes, financial reports, 1982
Carton 1SH 18CI +
Minutes, 1983-May 1989

Bound records

Carton 1SH 18CI +
First record book, 1879-1880
Carton 1SH 18CI +
15 Dec. 1879-30 Oct. 1886
Carton 2SH 18CJ %
18 Nov. 1886-28 Dec. 1894
Carton 2SH 18CJ %
29 Dec. 1894-28 Dec. 1901
Carton 2SH 18CJ %
2 Jan. 1902-22 Dec. 1911
Carton 2SH 18CJ %
22 Jan. 1912-28 Dec. 1917
Carton 2SH 18CJ %
21 Jan. 1918-28 June 1926
Carton 3SH 18CK 0
9 Sep. 1926-21 May 1934
Carton 3SH 18CK 0
26 June 1934-28 Mar. 1941
Carton 3SH 18CK 0
17 Mar. 1941-15 Mar. 1948
Carton 3SH 18CK 0
31 Mar. 1948-31 Mar. 1953

B. Officer correspondence, 1880-1963

See Select Name Index

Carton 4SH 18CL 1
Officer correspondence, undated, 1880-1898
Carton 4SH 18CL 1
Letter, Alexander Graham Bell to S. B. Langley, 1899
Carton 4SH 18CL 1
Officer correspondence, 1899-May 1922
Carton 5SH 18CM 2
Officer correspondence, June 1922-1941
Carton 5SH 18CM 2
Officer correspondence, letter from Edward Hopper, 1958, 1963
Carton 5SH 18CM 2
Officer correspondence (matted), undated, 1880-1898

Matted officer correspondence is restricted because of physical format. Use photocopies interfiled in officer correspondence, 1880-1898.

C. Financial records, 1890-1990

Carton 6SH 18CN 3
St. Botolph Club Foundation, 1983, 1990
Carton 6SH 18CN 3
Trust declaration, 1967
Carton 6SH 18CN 3
Special funds, 1923, 1958
Carton 6SH 18CN 3
Art & Entertainment Fund, 1954-1971
Carton 6SH 18CN 3
Curtis Black Fund, 1965
Carton 6SH 18CN 3
Receipts, undated, 1890-1907
Carton 6SH 18CN 3
Treasurer's report, 1931-1933
Carton 6SH 18CN 3
Balance sheet, 1933-1934
Carton 6SH 18CN 3
Financial statements, 1973-1990

D. General administrative records and member information, 1881-1990

Carton 6SH 18CN 3
Reservation lists, undated, 1983-1989
Carton 6SH 18CN 3
Member lists, undated, 1881-1970
Carton 6SH 18CN 3
Bound member listings, 1898, 1910, 1927, 1933, 1939
Carton 6SH 18CN 3
Printed booklets, member listings, 1943, 1946, 1949, 1954, 1960, 1966, 1969, 1972, 1976, 1978, 1982, 1990
Carton 7SH 18CP 5
Address book, 1886-1894
Carton 7SH 18CP 5
Address book, ca. 1888
Carton 7SH 18CP 5
Daily memorandum journals, 1967-1972
Carton 8SH 18CQ 6
Visitor registration book, 1889-1897
Carton 8SH 18CQ 6
Visitor registration book, 1898-1907
Carton 8SH 18CQ 6
Visitor registration book, 1912-1916
Carton 16SH 18CY E
Visitor registration book, 1917-1927
Carton 16SH 18CY E
Visitor registration book, 1927-1948
Carton 8SH 18CQ 6
Visitor registration book, July 1953-May 1961
Carton 8SH 18CQ 6
Visitor registration book, 3 May 1961-15 July 1970
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Visitor registration book, 16 July 1970-20 Apr. 1972
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Visitor registration book, June 1973 -Dec. 1977
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Liquor inventory, 1963
Carton OS 1
Liquor inventories, 1964, 1965, 1968Stored onsite at Ms. N-2176.

E. Miscellaneous, 1890-1984

Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Signatures, undated, 1890
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Wine list, undated
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
House rules, 1921, 1928

199 Commonwealth Avenue materials

Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Architectural history, 1899, 1914, 1929, 1975
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Correspondence, 1971
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Kitchen construction, receipts, bills, 1971
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Library refurbishing correspondence, 1984

III. Club activities, 1882-1991

Arranged chronologically within each subseries.

Club activities are divided into three subseries: exhibition materials; announcements, events, notices; and miscellaneous.

展览资料,未注明日期,1882-1991年,主要由原始松散目录组成 exhibitions held at the St. Botolph. Other catalogs and exhibition materials are located in Series IV, Clippings/Scrapbooks. From the information taken from several locations within the collection, an index has been created. Please note that programs, program tickets or annual 展览年份的记录在馆藏中不见了,索引也不见了 incomplete. Indexes, both by date of exhibition and artist, can be found in Appendices B and C.

子系列中的大部分公告、事件和通知,均未注明日期, 1886年至1990年,是印刷的节目,门票和通知,以确定文化,社会和 sporting events at St. Botolph. On 8 Nov. 1984, the club held a dinner with Julia Child, the renowned chef. Promotional materials and correspondence with the artists in residence can also be found. Twelfth Night materials, consisting of programs, scripts, and musical scores, document this annual members' only club event.

有趣的是,在第三个子系列中,杂项,未注明日期,1907-1980,是由 members of St. Botolph honoring members of the club including Henry M. Goodrich. An ongoing record, 1959-1971, of members' cribbage scores is also included in this subseries.

A. Exhibition materials, 1882-1991

NOTE: Two indices, listing exhibitions by date and by artist, are available in the MHS Library.

Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Memorial exhibition sheet, undated
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Exhibit catalogs, 1882
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Exhibit catalogs, 1886
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Exhibit catalogs, 1890-1891
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Monet exhibit catalog, 1892
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Exhibit catalogs, 1892-1894
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Monet exhibit catalog, 1895
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Exhibit catalogs, 1895-1898
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Monet exhibit catalog, 1899
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Exhibit catalogs, 1899-1900
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Exhibit materials, 1909, 1911, 1921
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Exhibit catalogs, 1939, 1947
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Exhibit materials, 1950, 1955-1959, 1964, 1966-1967
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Exhibit materials, correspondence, 1972-1974
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Exhibition materials, 1980-1991
Carton 9SH 18CR 7
Volume of portrait vouchers for exhibit of 3 Jan. 1905

B. Announcements, events, notices: general, 1886-1990

Carton 10SH 18CS 8
Announcements, events, notices, undated
Carton 10SH 18CS 8
Promotional material, undated
Carton 10SH 18CS 8
Announcements, events, notices, 1886, 1894, 1900, 1922
Carton 10SH 18CS 8
Announcements, events, notices, 1930-1933, 1940, 1948, 1954-1956
Carton 10SH 18CS 8
Announcements, events, notices, 1963-1981
Carton 10SH 18CS 8
Promotional materials, 1982-1985
Carton 10SH 18CS 8
Program correspondence, 1982
Carton 10SH 18CS 8
Announcements, events, notices, 1982
Carton 10SH 18CS 8
Program correspondence, 1983
Carton 10SH 18CS 8
Announcements, events, notices, 1983
Carton 10SH 18CS 8
Program correspondence, announcements, etc., 1984
Carton 10SH 18CS 8
Club night, J. Anthony Lukas, Sep. 1985
Carton 10SH 18CS 8
Program correspondence, 1985
Carton 10SH 18CS 8
Announcements, events, notices, 1985
Carton 10SH 18CS 8
Program correspondence, 1986
Carton 10SH 18CS 8
Promotional materials, 1986
Carton 10SH 18CS 8
Announcements, events, notices, 1987
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Announcements, events, notices, 1988-1990

Twelfth Night materials

Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Music, wassail songs, undated, 1960
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Twelfth Night material, 1923
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
"Alice in Botolph Land," 1932
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
"The Last Member" by M. F. Weston, 1939
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
"Birds at the South Pole" script, music, 1939, 1940, 1953
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Twelfth Night material, 1950-1952
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
"Beyond the Behind or The Great Regression," working transcript, 1953
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
"Beyond the Behind or The Great Regression," printed copy, 1953
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
"Minimus Rex" or "A Bottle of Hay," 1955
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Script: "Sweet Charity or Fifty Million Decibels Can't Be Wrong," 1955
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Musical scores, 1955
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
"The Deadly Arts," 1961
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Twelfth Night materials, 1962-1963, 1965, 1967-1968, 1974
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
"The Case of the Saintly Sinners," 1976
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
"The Prior's Tale," 1977
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
"A Topical Revue," 1978
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Twelfth Night materials, 1979-1981
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
"The Flotilla," 1982
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Twelfth Night materials, 1984
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
"The Fame of the Nose," 1987
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Twelfth Night materials, 1988

C. Miscellaneous, 1907-1980

Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Members and their publications, undated, 1944, 1980
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Letter, Gertrude G. Cabot to Dr. Weille, 14 Sep. 1945
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Dinners honoring individuals, 1917, 1938, 1939, 1957, 1961
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Poems written by club members for Henry M. Goodrich, undated, 1949, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1957, 1958, 1960
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Poems written by club members about St. Botolph Club, 1916-1930
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Poems by the Papyrus Club, 1907, 1917 (Papyrus Club founded by St. Botolph member, John Boyle O'Reilly)
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Club involvement in Interclub, 1959-1963
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Bound volume of Cribbage scores, 1971

Printed materials, 1938-1976

Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Brodel, Max. Assisted by P. D. Malone, Stacy R. Guild, and S. J. Crow. Three Unpublished Drawings of the Anatomy of the Human Ear. Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders Co., 1938.
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
The Guild of Boston Artists: Founded 1914. n.p., 1970.
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Library Committee of the Corporation. A Letter from the 纽约市长协会委员会和纽约市公司 London: 5th May, 1775. London: Donald Macbeth at the Historic House, 1976.
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Lincoln Diocesan Magazine. Vol. LXVI, No. 1. Swanpool Court, Lincoln: Keyworth and Sons, Jan. 1950.
Carton 11SH 18CT 9
Seven and Eight Park Street: A Brief History of the Home of the Union Club of Boston, 1976. Boston: Thomas Todd Co., 1976.

IV. Clippings/scrapbooks, 1886-1974

由于原始剪贴簿的物理状况不佳,已被拆装,放入 chronological order, and photocopied. Therefore, the original scrapbooks, located in cartons 12-15, are restricted. Users should use the photocopies in cartons 17-18. The scrapbooks contain a variety of materials including: programs, tickets, 确定扶轮社活动、财务及司库报告、年度及委员会的通知 minutes. Much of this material overlaps with other series in the collection.

还包括有关俱乐部活动或会员及其会员的剪报 notable outside activities. These clippings, contained in one file folder in OS Carton 1, are in no particular order; however, the dates range from the 1950s through the 1970s.

A. Scrapbooks, 1886-1974

Disbound in chronological order.

Carton 12SH 18CU A
1886-1911, pp. 1-764

Use photocopies.

Carton 13SH 18CV B
1912-1925, pp. 765-1261

Use photocopies.

Carton 14SH 18CW C
1926-1950, pp. 1262-1750

Use photocopies.

Carton 15SH 18CX D
1950-1974, pp. 1751-2293

Use photocopies.

Carton 15SH 18CX D
Addendum, 1949-1965

Use photocopies.

Carton 17SH 1B8F
Scrapbook photocopies, 1886-1925, pp. 1-1225
Carton 18SH 18D1 P
Scrapbook photocopies, 1924-1974, pp. 1226-2214
Carton 18SH 18D1 P
Scrapbook photocopies, addendum, 1949, 1950, pp. 2215-2225
Carton 18SH 18D1 P
Scrapbook photocopies, addendum, 1949-1954, pp. 2251-2275
Carton 18SH 18D1 P
Scrapbook photocopies, addendum, 1955-1965, pp. 2276-2293

B. Newspaper clippings, 1950s-1970s

Carton OS 1
Stored onsite at Ms. N-2176.

V. Recordings, 1981-1986

Arranged chronologically.

This series contains programs recorded at the club consisting of 82 cassettes and two reel-to-reel tapes, some of which are not identified. The programs that have been identified are listed by date, program, box, and the number of copies available.

A. Cassettes

Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
10 Dec. 1981, St. Botolph Club Foundation Award2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
21 May 1982, Dance: George Poor & Orchestra, Roy Lawson on clarinet
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
6 Nov. 1982, Trio Group
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
6 Jan. 1983, Twelfth Night at St. Botolph Club
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
3 Feb. 1983, Mark Westcott, piano
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
3 Mar. 1983, Peter Davison, reading
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
7 Apr. 1983, St. Germain Trio
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
9-10 June 1983, George Poor and his Botolph Blue Blowers with Roy Lawson
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
19 Nov. 1983, Carmen Ulemonsky
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
8 Dec. 1983, Richard Wilbur, 20th St. Botolph Club Foundation Award
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
26 Jan. 1984, Robert Manning "Ramblings"2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
27 Sep. 1984, Gershwin, Kern & Porter, Armstrong, Stepner & Jeppesen
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
11 Oct. 1984, Jazz Piano I, Winter, Youngren2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
1 Nov. 1984, Robert Campbell, architect2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
8 Nov. 1984, Julia Child2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
29 Nov. 1984, Peter Davison, poet2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
6 Dec. 1984, Foundation Annual Award2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
18 Dec. 1984, Boston Boy Choir2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
17 Jan. 1985, Panel discussion, Manning, Harsch, Roche, McKibben
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
7 Feb. 1985, Henry Steele Commager, historian2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
21 Feb. 1985, "Puttin' on the Ritz"2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
7 Mar. 1985, NEC Broadway Singers2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
13 Mar. 1985, Beacon Chamber Soloists2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
28 Mar. 1985, American Reed Trio2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
11 Apr. 1985, Jazz Piano II, Winter, LaPorta, Youngren
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
25 Apr. 1985, NEC Chamber Singers, with Lorna Cooke deVaron2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
21 May 1985, Roman Totenberg, violin with Myron Romanul, piano2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
18 Sep. 1985, J. Anthony Lukas2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
31 Oct. 1985, Marcus Thompson with David Deveau2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
13 Nov. 1985, David Hagan2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
10 Dec. 1985, New England Sings: Christmas Concert2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
18 Dec. 1985, Boston Boy Choir
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
19 Dec. 1985, 22nd Annual Foundation Arts Award, Harold Wright2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
1 Jan. 1986, M. R. Montgomery2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
14 Mar. 1986, American Reed Trio2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
1 May 1986, NEC Chamber Singers2 copies.
Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
4 Sep. 1986, Rick Manning2 copies.

B. Reel-to-reel tapes (Unidentified, undated)

Carton 19SH 18D2 Q
2 copies.

Select Name Index to Officers' Correspondence

Abbott, Lyman undated
4 Mar. 1901
Adams, Charles Frances, 2nd, in J. F. Andrew 11 Nov. 1880
Adams, John Quincy 1 Oct. 1881
Aldrich, Nelson 24 Sep. 1940
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey 19 Dec. 1883
21 May 1892
28 Aug. 1893
Ames, James Barr 4 May 1885
Amory, Frederic 1886
26 Apr. 1886
Andrew, J. F. 11 Nov. 1880
Anthony, A. V. S. undated
20 Sept, [Dec.] 1884
Nov. 1885
4 Jan. 1886
Atkinson, Edward 14 Oct. 1881
4 Mar. 1897
Bartlett, T. H. undated
22 May 1880
Bartol, Elizabeth 22 Feb. 1881
Bowditch, Ernestus William 1 Mar. 1884
Bowditch, Alfred 6 Dec. 1888
Briggs, Lloyd Vernon, in L. C. Briggs form for proposal 24 Nov. 1930
Brimmer, Martin 19 Mar, 20 Mar. 1895
28 Apr. 1906
Brooks, Phillips 30 Nov. 1881
Brown, J. Appleton 4 Oct., 14 Oct., 19 Oct. 1881
Cabot, Edward C. 24 May 1880
19 Jan., 3 Feb. 1881
30 Apr. 1895
Clark, Charles Hopkins 17 Oct. 1898
Cole, J. Foxcroft 17 Apr. 1890
Coolidge, Thomas Jefferson 5 May 1892
29 Jan. 1896
Crowninshield, Benjamin W. 7 Jan., 30 Sep. 1884
20 Mar. 1890
Crowninshield, Caspar 6 Feb. 1883
Crowninshield, Frederic 17 Oct. 1881
Darrow, Whitney 28 May 1940
Deane, Charles 1 Jan. 1883
Dodge, Theodore Aryault 6 Oct., 5 Dec., 8 Dec. 1883
8 July 1893
Dyer, Louis 13 Jan. 1885
Eliot, Samuel 30 Nov. 1881
Fessenden, Reginald A. 11 Oct. 1929
Foote, Arthur undated
in Fabien Sevitzky form for proposal, 20 Feb. 1935
French, Daniel Chester 21 Oct. 1881
5 Jan. 1885
5 Jan. 1889
Frothingham, Octavius Brooks 10 Oct. 1883
Gaston, William 5 Jan. 1893
Gaugengigl, I. M. 11 May 1880
Gilman, Arthur 2 Nov., 28 Dec. 1880
7 Feb. 1882
Grant, Robert 21 Dec. 1882
Green, Samuel A. 3 Jan. 1889
4 Jan. 1893
5 June 1908
Greenslet, Ferris 7 Feb., 13 Dec., 23 Dec. 1922
24 Jan. 1940
Guerin, Jules 12 Jan. 1907
Gurney, Ephraim W. 2 Mar. 1881
Hale, Edward Everett Feb. 1880
19 Feb. 1880
Hale, Philip 7 May 1893
Hale, Philip L. 19 Jan. 1923
Hassam, Childe 3 Dec. 1896
Higginson, Francis Lee 31 July 1891
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth 16 Dec. 1883
Hoar, Ebenezer R. 16 May 1892
Hoar, George F. 4 Jan. 1882
Hopper, Edward 27 May 1963
Houghton, Henry O. 4 Jan. 1881
Hovey, William A. 25 May 1880
Howells, William Dean 19 Sep., 31 Oct. 1884
29 Mar. 1885
5 Jan. 1886
King, Stanley, in C. J. Prescott form for proposal 30 Jan. 1935
La Farge, John. undated
Lane, George M. 2 Jan., 13 Jan. 1882
Lang, Benjamin J. undated
14 Jan., Apr., (printed), 11 Apr. 1881
Langley, Samuel P. 19 Aug. 1893
Lawrence, William 5 Nov. 1881
Lee, Henry 16 May 1892
Lincoln, Solomon 16/17 Feb. 1880
28 Oct. 1901
Lodge, Henry Cabot 1 Oct. 1885
Long, John D. 28 Dec. 1882
Longfellow, A. W., Jr. 2 Mar. 1897
Longfellow, Ernest W. 13 Dec. 1881
Longfellow, W. P. P. 19 Apr. 1880
29 Nov. 1882
Lovering, William C. 10 Nov. 1893
12 Feb., 25 Sep. 1895
Lowell, Abbott Lawrence 28 Sep. 1940
Lowell, Percival 22 Jan. 1895
Mansbridge, Albert 5 Feb. 1922
Matthews, Nathan, Jr. 7 June 1902
McKim, Charles F. 5 Aug. 1893
Mifflin, George 30 Nov. 1881
Millett, F. D. 6 Jan. 1881
Minot, Charles Sedgwick Oct. 1880
Minot, Lawrence 8 Feb. 1899
Minot, William, Jr. 17 Mar. 1881
8 Mar. 1886
Mitchell, Silas Weir 9 Feb. 1882
Mitchell, Stewart 4 Nov. 1939
Morse, John T. 27 Apr., 31 Oct. 1881
28 Nov. 1884
Newcomb, Simon 16 Mar. 1907
Norton, Charles Eliot 8 Oct. 1881
25 Mar. 1895
O'Reilly, John Boyle 29 Sep. 1880
Osgood, James R. 29 Apr. 1881
18 Sep., 28 Sep. 1884
26 Dec. 1885
Paine, Ralph D. 10 Apr. 1922
Paine, Robert Treat, II undated
Parkman, Francis, in F. H. Smith 21 Dec. 1880
Parsons, Alfred undated
24 Mar. 1893
Peabody, Francis G. 31 Dec. 1881
Pyle, Howard 23 Mar. 1906
Quincy, Josiah P. 26 Dec. 1883
Reid, Robert 26 Oct. 1901
Reid, Whitelaw 5 May 1892
Rideing, William Henry 26 May 1884
20 Feb. 1893
Robinson, Edward 23 Feb., 21 Oct., 25 Oct. 1886
Roche, James Jeffrey 19 Jan., 10 Feb. 1894
Ropes, John C. 19 Jan., 10 Feb. 1894
Rotch, A. Lawrence 15 Dec. 1905
Rotch, Arthur 22 Dec. 1880
Saltonstall, Leverett 21 Dec. 1882
Sedgwick, William Thompson 6 Feb 1885
7 Dec. 1902
Shattuck, Frederick C. 21 Nov. 1880
Storey, Moorfield 26 Nov. 1886
24 Jan. 1887
Sturgis, Russell 9 Oct. 1896
16 Jan. 1904
14 July 1908
Tarbell, Edmund C. 7 Oct. 1895
Taylor, Francis Henry 28 Mar. 1940
Towne, Charles Hanson 4 Mar. 1941
Trowbridge, John 11 Apr. 1892
Vaillant, George C. [1931]
19 Oct. 1931
Vinton, Frederic P. 29 Apr. 1881
Walcott, John C. 1 May, 9 May 1940
Waterman, Marcus 7 May 1880
Watson, William 20 Feb. 1885
White, John Williams 21 Oct. 1940
White, Paul Dudley 11 Oct. 1940
Wigglesworth, Edward 27 Dec. 1881
Winsor, Justin 6 Apr. 1892
Winthrop, Robert C. 7 Jan. 1882
9 Mar. 1892
28 Nov. 1895
Wolcott, Roger 23 Dec. 1886
4 Mar. 1899

Exhibition Indices


Materials Removed from the Collection

以下照片已从收藏中移至MHS照片档案馆,现为 stored with oversize photographs.

Photo album showing the interior and exterior, and floor plans of the St. Botolph Club, 199 Commonwealth Avenue. 28 black and white and 4 color photographs.

1 color photograph of a prayer from the St. Botolph church, Boston, England.

13张威廉·莫里斯·亨特画作的相册,在圣. Botolph Club.

15张8 × 10的黑白照片和13张5 × 7的黑白底片 painting exhibition.

2 black and white photographs and 1 photogravure of Francis Parkman.

13 photographs of unidentified people.

2 unidentified photographs of architectural details, one might be the St. Botolph Club, 199 Commonwealth, the other 115 Commonwealth.

4 black and white photographs of a church in Boston (Lincolnshire), England. By C. V. Clark.

2 black and white photographs of Boston (Lincolnshire), England. 1) A street view [Bargate]. 2) A harbor view.

13 Miscellaneous views of Lincolnshire, England.

2 color photographs of George Sagendarph, in Florida.

1 black and white photograph of Joseph R. DeCamp, artist.

2 black and white photographs showing the interior of [St. Botolph's Church, Lancashire, taken in 1953].

1 8x10 black and white photograph of [Roy Lamson?] playing a clarinet at the St. Botolph Club, n.d.

5 unidentified black and white photographs.

2 8x10 black and white photographs of Christopher O'Riley, pianist.

3 8x10 black and white photographs of Elizabeth Parcells, soprano.

18 × 10黑白照片,哈佛合唱团,12月16日,6:30[80年代].

Preferred Citation

St. Botolph Club records, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Art, American--Exhibitions.
Art history--Sources.
Men--Societies and clubs.